We believe that when we celebrate the Eucharist, Jesus is present with us in a particular, tangible way. In the sacrament, we experience our union with Jesus by hearing the Word and eating bread and drinking wine. This is why the Eucharist is so important and central to us. We do it just as Christians have done for almost two thousand years, because Jesus commanded us continually to do it.
The climax of the Eucharistic liturgy is when we come to the altar and receive the bread and wine which has become for us the body and blood of Jesus Christ, thus strengthening our unity with Christ that we may be transformed, as the bread and wine has been transformed. Most visitors who are not Episcopalians wonder whether it is permitted to join us at the altar for this sacrament.
All are welcome to come to the altar and receive the body and blood of Christ at communion. Christ is the host of this meal. It is not required that you be an Episcopalian, or that you be a member of St. Bartholomew’s.
To receive communion, come forward with the people at the words, “The gifts of God for the people of God.” Stand or kneel at the altar rail. Hold out your hands with the palms upward, right on top of left. When the priest places the bread or host on your palm, eat it with reverence. When the chalice bearer comes to you with the wine, gently take hold of the cup at the base and guide it to your mouth. As you receive the sacrament, you might pray silently something like, “Whatever you give me, Lord, I humbly receive, and I offer you all that I am and all that I have.”
Those who wish to receive communion but are unable to come forward due to health constraints need simply to notify an usher to have communion brought to them.

If you are allergic to wheat products, gluten free wafers are available. Please let your request be known to the priest as they approach you.
If you prefer, you may receive the wine “by intinction.” When the bread is placed on your palm, leave it there. When the chalice bearer comes to you, he or she will pick up the bread from your palm, touch it to the surface of the wine, place it in your mouth and say: “The Blood of Christ, the cup of salvation.” It is not necessary to receive wine at communion, if it would not be appropriate for you. Those who do not wish to receive wine fold their arms across their chest after receiving the bread.
If you are uncertain about receiving the bread and wine, you are welcome to come to the altar for a blessing. To signify to the priest that you do not wish to receive communion, fold your arms across your chest in an X. The priest will lay his or her hand on your head gently, and quietly ask God to bless you.

Our rich liturgical tradition includes the use of vestments, music, candles, bells, and incense. While we fall on the “high church” end liturgically, neither the facilities nor the people are formal. One is more likely to see casual clothes at Sunday services than suits and ties. The depth of our spiritual experience cannot be measured by our casual appearance. We invite you to visit us anytime to share this experience.
St. Bartholomew’s offers many services throughout the course of the week, in addition to Sunday. Several are specific to the time of day: Choral Evensong and Choral Compline. Some services are simply sung by the choir, chanted by participants, or just spoken as prayer by one person. All are beautiful in their own respect. Please read more about each regular service offered at St. Bartholomew’s. In addition to these, we offer special services in accordance with the seasons of the Episcopal Church.
Holy Eucharist
The Holy Eucharist is the most revered of all the services in the Episcopal Church. St. Bartholomew’s offers Holy Eucharist four times during the week, three on Sunday and one on Wednesday.
Choral Compline
Sung by the St. Bartholomew’s Schola. One of the most serene and sublimely beautiful services of the Church, Compline offers rest and release for the end of the day. The service is offered in several places throughout the worldwide Church, but none more beautiful and transporting than the version sung by our Schola at St. Bartholomew’s. The mystical glow of candles through clouds of incense provides the atmosphere, and the choir of a dozen accomplished singers lead the brief service twice monthly. You are invited to experience this service again and again.
Choral Evensong
This service, almost entirely sung by the choir (no sermon or Eucharist), includes choral settings of the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis, psalms, and responses, which exemplify some of the richest musical literature in the Anglican tradition. Those who wish to receive Eucharist are invited to stay for the 6:00pm Eucharist service in the Shalom Chapel.

St. Bartholomew’s is a community who prays. We pray together. We pray alone. We pray for one another through the ministry of the Prayer Chain, and through our parish prayer list which can be found on the weekly announcement sheet. Submit your prayer requests by calling the clergy or the church office, or by emailing your name and details to admin@stbartsatlanta.org. If you have a pastoral emergency, please call the church office at 404-634-3336 and press 5 to be connected to the clergy on call number.
Liturgical Ministries

Adult Acolytes
The Adult Acolyte Ministry is an essential and rewarding part of St. Bartholomew’s worship. Serving in this ministry requires simple training, and sessions are planned during the year. Adult acolytes regularly serve the altar during the 8:00am and 11:00am Eucharist every Sunday and routinely during other scheduled liturgies.
Youth Acolytes
This ministry allows for the youth and children to participate as acolytes in the worship service. Those trained and serving as acolytes discover the rhythm and flow of the liturgy and come to understand why we do certain things in certain ways. All children and youth ages 8 to 18 are welcome to serve as youth acolytes. The commitment of serving as a youth acolyte involves attending a basic acolyte training session and to serve reverently and with responsibility and consistency.
Altar Guild
Members of the Parish Altar Guild care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services, and clean up afterwards.
Altar Guild sets the altar for Holy Eucharist, counts wafers, polishes silver and makes certain the linens are creased just so. All this is done as an act of hospitality, to create a sacred space that welcomes everyone to the table. Altar Guild is divided into four teams, one for each week of the month. Each team is responsible for all church services during its designated week. The Altar Guild keeps communion kits prepared for Eucharistic Visitors to take to people unable to attend church in person.
Flower Guild
Flower Guild members create arrangements for the altar, Inner Narthex, Children’s Chapel, and restrooms, for all designated Sundays, holidays, weddings and funerals. Each member serves once every six weeks and for all major holidays. New members are always welcome.
Lectors, Intercessors, and Eucharistic Ministers
Adults and youth play important roles in most of our services as lectors, intercessors, and chalice bearers. Representing all members of the parish, Lectors express aloud the assigned scripture lessons of the day, Intercessors lead the prayers of the people, and Eucharistic Ministers serve during the Eucharist. Participants in this ministry receive training and are asked to serve as needed at all three regular Sunday services and at special services.
Linen Guild
Linen Guild is a specialized group of altar guild members who take care of all the small linens used at the altar each week, lovingly washing and ironing each piece.
Shepherds and Greeters
For information about joining this ministry, please contact the church office at 404-634-3336.
For information about ushers or joining this ministry, please contact the church office at 404-634-3336.
The position of verger originated as the “Protector of the Procession” during the Middle Ages. The Verger led and protected the clergy as they processed to a church or cathedral, carrying a large mace (verge, or staff) to keep away animals and disorderly crowds that might attack the clergy or procession. Since ancient times, the Verger has had many different titles and duties assigned. Today a verger can best be described as a lay assistant to the clergy. Our Vergers oversee preparations for the service and the liturgy and act as a “Master of Ceremonies” in many instances, assisting the clergy in any way needed behind the scenes.
For more information about any of these ministries, please contact the church office at 404-634-3336.
All people are invited to explore more deeply the Christian faith and the Episcopal Church, in preparation for receiving the sacrament of confirmation. Confirmation is the liturgy where an individual makes an adult affirmation of faith, accepting the baptismal vows made on his or her behalf as an infant or child, and receiving a prayer from the bishop for the Holy Spirit’s strength and guidance. Prior to being confirmed in the Episcopal Church, the individual receives instruction in the basic doctrines of Christianity through the CATECHUMENATE. Confirmation Candidate Form
Healing and Reconciliation
The Rite of Reconciliation is a sacrament of healing and forgiveness. It is a continuation of the ministry of forgiveness that Jesus inaugurated in his preaching, teaching and healing. Like all sacraments, it finds its roots in the Gospels and relates directly to the ministry that Jesus enjoined upon the Apostles to bring about reconciliation and peace between all people and God. If you are in need of healing and reconciliation, we encourage you to contact the Church Office to make and appointment to see one of our priests.
The Episcopal Church honors the union of two persons in marriage with a ceremony that is both solemn and joyous. As a couple exchanges vows, they pledge to love each other in the same way that Christ loves the Church, and to live in faithfulness, as God is faithful to God’s people. The celebration of Christian Marriage is an occasion of great joy! The Clergy and Staff of St. Bartholomew’s are pleased to celebrate with you on your wedding day. Read more here in the Wedding Booklet.


Prayer is an ongoing response to God about our relationship with God, about ourselves and others.
St. Bartholomew’s is a community who prays. We pray together. We pray alone. We pray for one another through the Parish Cycle of Prayer, the ministry of the Prayer Chain, or through simply remembering those requesting prayer in the newsletters and weekly green sheet.
Electronic Resources:
Daily office and daily devotions
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer