Founded in 1954, St. Bartholomew’s continues to be a place where great care is given to worship—the liturgy, the music, and the sermons.

We know very little of Bartholomew. Bartholomew is a patronymic name, meaning “Son of Tolmai.” He is mentioned only in the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), but he is generally believed to be the same person as Nathanael in John’s Gospel.

He is credited by several reliable historical sources with writing a gospel, but the Gospel According to Bartholomew is lost today. Tradition holds that he traveled to India and this is certainly not inconceivable. He is regarded as the founder of the Church in Armenia and may have been martyred there. An ancient tradition maintains that he was flayed alive at Albanopolis, Armenia, by the authorities as a consequence of his evangelistic work.

David Veal, Saints Galore, Forward Movement Publications

Bell Tower

In Thanksgiving for
with love from Kenneth P. Dutter, Patricia H. Dutter,
and Calvert Johnson.

Dedication of the Bells


Miriam – Mr. & Mrs. John Templeton in memory of their daughter
Magnificat – Anonymous in honor of the Virgin Mary
Peace – Mr. & Mrs. William Bement
Benedicite – Mr. & Mrs. Donald Shimp
St. Bede – Churchmen of the Parish
Jubilate Deo – Dr. & Mrs. A.J. Walker in memory of Edith & William Walker
Gloria in Excelsis – Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Taylor
Their Voice is gone out into All the Earth – The Parish 1963 Christmas offering


May 3, 1964

Bells were cast by the Taylor Bell Foundry of London


The Rev. Canon Dr. Angela F. Shepherd

The Rev. Canon Dr. Angela F. Shepherd

The seventh rector of St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, a congregation deeply committed to radical hospitality, social justice, Christian formation, worship, and music.

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The Rev. Alex Sherrill

The Rev. Alex Sherrill

Assistant to the Rector

Alex received his Master of Divinity degree from Candler School of Theology at Emory University and was ordained a Priest in 2020.

>>> Learn More <<<

The Rev. Shirley Porter

The Rev. Shirley Porter

Priest Associate

I am a Priest Associate at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church at the invite of the Rector, Rev. Dr. Angela Shepherd, and I look forward to meeting with you!

>>> Learn More <<<


Karen Dickey

Karen Dickey


Kenneth Hilson

Kenneth Hilson

Breakfast Maven

Our Vestry

The Vestry of St. Bartholomew’s is typically composed of 12 adult members. These individuals represent the parish-at-large and are an essential voice in the decisions of the parish. Candidates are nominated by the parish and elected at the Annual Meeting. The Vestry collaborates with the Rector in the spiritual and secular responsibilities of the parish. Vestry members oversee areas of ministry that may include committees, projects, or tasks. Please see the members of The Vestry below, and feel free to contact them if you have a concern, question, or comment.

Executive Committee

John Carter

Senior Warden

Larry Dugan

Junior Warden

Becky Anne


Chris Palmer


Vestry Liaisons

Larry Dugan, Junior Warden

Buildings & Grounds

Charlie Michael

Adult Christian Formation

Becky Anne, Clerk

Children & Youth Christian Formation

Becky Coralli

Outreach & Social Justice

Toni Caraballo

Parish Life

Mark Flanagan


Linda Jordan


Mark Keeler

Welcome & Home

Vestry meeting highlights and financial reports are emailed the first of each month and posted inside the church.

Pledging 2024: Roots to Blooms
Celebrating our 70th anniversary (also known as the Platinum Anniversary), symbolling rarity and strength, ministry has shown us the importance of continuing St. Bart’s legacy of seeing needs, developing ministries to serve those needs, and supporting those ministries. In our Stewardship campaign this year, Roots to Blooms - Supporting the Transformative Work of St. Bartholomew’s, we highlight the transformative power of our community of strong and nourishing roots.

Prayerfully consider what is meaningful for you to give for the 2024 church year. For many, that means giving 10 percent (the biblical tithe) of your income to God’s work. For others, tithing is a goal reached by increasing giving by two or three percent each year. We invite you to make a pledge that reflects God’s generosity in your life, and if possible increase your previous level of giving. Your pledge helps the Vestry establish the Annual Budget and is very much appreciated.

Become a Member

Membership in the Episcopal Church is through Holy Baptism, Confirmation or Reception.

Membership through Baptism

Services of Baptism are offered throughout the year. Those who have been baptized in any Christian Church may register their baptism in the Episcopal Church by completing the Baptismal Form.

Reception into the Episcopal Church
The service of reception is for those who have been both baptized and confirmed in another Christian denomination and who wish to become a member of the Episcopal Church. These persons will be “received” into the Episcopal Church at a service with a bishop.
Confirmation into the Episcopal Church

Confirmation is the rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop. Confirmation is an “adult” affirmation of baptismal vows. Please complete a Confirmation Candidate Form and return to the church office if you are interested in this sacrament.

Membership transfer to St. Bartholomew’s

Episcopalians who desire to transfer their membership registration to St. Bartholomew’s Parish may do so by completing our Transfer of Membership and Information Form and returning it to the church office.

Please contact the Church Office at 404-634-3336 for more information on Baptism, Reception, Confirmation or Transfer of Membership.

Forms & Resources

The forms listed below are all links to PDF documents that open in a new window for you to print and then return via fax, mail, or by-hand.

Membership Information

Baptism – Complete and return the Baptismal Form to the Reverend Dr. Angela F. Shepherd at

Confirmation – Complete and return the Confirmation Candidate Form to the Reverend Dr. Angela F. Shepherd at

Transfer of Membership – Complete and return the Transfer of Membership and Information Form to


The celebration of Christian Marriage is an occasion of great joy! The Clergy and Staff of St. Bartholomew’s are pleased to celebrate with you on your wedding day. Learn more here in the Wedding Booklet.

End of Life
There are many decisions to be made as we consider end of life issues. Information has been prepared to assist you in the Burial Planning Booklet.

If you are interested in your body being interred in the St. Joseph of Arimathea Memorial Garden, these forms will assist you: Memorial Garden BrochureMemorial Garden Regulations, and Plaque Application.


Pledges to the 2023 budget can be made On-Line; by printing and completing a pledge card and placing the card in the offering plate; by bringing it to the church office; or by mailing it to St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, 2897 N Druid Hills Rd, #508, Atlanta, GA 30329Click here to learn more about our stewardship.

Reimbursements may be requested by using this form Reimbursement Form.

Parish Facilities

Members and non-members may reserve the facilities. Please complete this Facility Use Application and send