St. Bartholomew’s seeks to be a vital and mature community of faith. We believe God is working in each of our lives, inviting us into relationship with the Divine and one another.
We believe that all people seek meaning for their lives.
We understand the role of Christian Education is not so much to provide answers to the questions raised by life, but to offer a supportive and informed setting for the questions to be lived and explored. The container for the journey is the Christian faith as received by the Episcopal (Anglican) tradition. The Bible and your own gift of reason are highly valued as sources of wisdom. The overall goal of our program is to help you become who you were created to be, and to be a faithful Christ Bearer in a world aching for hope, wholeness and peace.
For us, learning comes formally through classes, preaching and worship but also informally by participating in Christian community and ministry.
Follow us on YouTube.

Connect with us and participate in formation opportunities throughout the year.
For us, learning comes formally through classes, preaching and worship but also informally by participating in Christian community and ministry.
We believe that all people seek meaning for their lives. This quest for meaning usually raises three questions for the one on the journey: Who am I? Why am I here? How then shall I live? These core questions return at different age stages of life and at times of crisis, loss and change. We seek to meet you at whatever stage or time in your life you find us.
We understand the role of Christian Education is not so much to provide answers to the questions raised by life, but to offer a supportive and informed setting for the questions to be lived and explored. The container for the journey is the Christian faith as received by the Episcopal (Anglican) tradition. The Bible and your own gift of reason are highly valued as sources of wisdom. The overall goal of our program is to help you become who you were created to be, and to be a faithful Christ Bearer in a world aching for hope, wholeness and peace.
Sunday Morning Classes:
9:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m September – May | Parish Hall Meeting Room
Adults gather to further their spiritual growth by taking part in our Adult Education classes.
Monday Classes:
WnW—Word in Words Book Group
2nd Monday each month, 7:30pm, Zoom
All readers are welcome to this group which chooses books that are fiction and available in paperback. We welcome you to join us on a regular basis, or whenever you see a title that interests you!
Caregiver’s & Grief Support Group
3rd Monday each month, 12:30pm, Zoom
Our support group was started 16 years ago for those caring for loved ones with Alzheimer’s Disease. The group has become a grief group also, giving love and support to those whose have lost a loved one. Our stories are different but the same. We learn from and support each other. The group is strictly confidential. We feel we are on sacred ground. We welcome anyone who feels this group can be helpful. Anne Greene, 770-493-6320
Tuesday Classes:
Contemplative Centering Prayer
Tuesdays, 6:15pm to 7:15pm, Amerson House,
Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer where the purpose is to rest in God and receive God as God is. Basic instruction with discussion will be given each session, followed by 20 minutes of silent prayer. Time will be made to explore prayer and the contemplative life in general. For more information, please contact the church office at 404-634 3336.
A place to share what is going on in your life, concluding with Compline
Tuesdays, 7:30pm to 7:15pm
For more information, please contact the church office at 404-634 3336.
Wednesday Classes:
Wednesday Morning
Wednesdays, 10:30am, Taylor Room
Everyone is welcome to come explore the upcoming lectionary readings. Facilitation duties are shared among participants.
Wednesday Night
6:30pm to 7:30pm, Meeting Room
Join us mid-week for study and conversation on a particular topic pertaining to the church.
Friday Classes:
1st and 3rd Fridays 9:30am
For more information, please contact the church office at 404-634 3336.
Online Learning:
Check our YouTube channel for videos of past classes to view at your convenience.

St. Bartholomew’s is a community who prays. We pray together. We pray alone. We pray for one another through the ministry of the Prayer Chain, and through our parish prayer list which can be found on the weekly announcement sheet. Submit your prayer requests by calling the clergy or the church office, or by emailing your name and details to If you have a pastoral emergency, please call the church office at 404-634-3336 and press 5 to be connected to the clergy on call number.
Ministry with Children, Youth, and Families

In the midst of COVID-19 the Rev. Alex Sherrill joined St. Bart’s to support this very important ministry which is evolving. Children’s Chapel is offered every Sunday via Zoom.