All are welcome to come to the altar and receive the body and blood of Christ at communion. Christ is the host of this meal. It is not required that you be an Episcopalian, or that you be a member of St. Bartholomew’s.

To receive communion, come forward with the people at the words, “The gifts of God for the people of God.” Stand or kneel at the altar rail. Hold out your hands with the palms upward, right on top of left. When the priest places the bread or host on your palm, eat it with reverence. When the chalice bearer comes to you with the wine, gently take hold of the cup at the base and guide it to your mouth. As you receive the sacrament, you might pray silently something like, “Whatever you give me, Lord, I humbly receive, and I offer you all that I am and all that I have.”

Those who wish to receive communion but are unable to come forward due to health constraints need simply to notify an usher to have communion brought to them.

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