Celebrating Our 70th Anniversary
Join us in person on Sundays for worship at 8:00 a.m., 10:30 am, & 6:00 pm.
Sunday worship is also streamed live on our Facebook Page and our YouTube channel
Compline is a calming nighttime prayer experience with the soothing scent of incense and a gradual dimming of the lights. It takes place on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 8 pm. (Listen Live on Facebook).
Weekly Services
Our rich liturgical tradition includes the use of vestments, music, and candles. While we fall on the “high church” end liturgically, neither the facilities nor the people are formal. One is more likely to see casual clothes at Sunday services than suits and ties. The depth of our spiritual experience cannot be measured by our casual appearance. We invite you to visit us anytime to share this experience.
Sunday Morning
Holy Eucharist 8:00 am & 10:30 (choir)
Sunday Evening
Holy Eucharist – Shalom Chapel 6:00 pm
2nd and 4th Sunday Compline – 8:00 pm (September – May)
Adult Formation
9:30 am
Children’s Formation
9:15 am
Youth Formation
9:15 am | 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month
Youth Group
12:30 pm | 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of each month
Family Formation
9:15 am | 5th Sundays of each month
12:15 pm | Caregiver’s & Grief Support Group | 3rd Monday
7:30 pm | Project Mankind | Weekly
7:30 pm | Word in Words Book Group | 2nd Monday
6:15 pm | Contemplative Centering Prayer | Weekly
10:00 am | Bible Study: Revised Common Lectionary | Weekly
7:30 pm | Canterbury Choir rehearsal | Weekly | September to May
9 am | Brotherhood of St Bart’s | 1st and 3rd Friday or Saturday of each month
We are now composting!
Bring what you can on Sunday. Click here to find out what is and is not compostable.
Upcoming Events!
January 19 – Celebrating The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
8:00 am and 10:30 am Guest Preacher – The Rev. Greg Warren, executive director, Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing
February 2 – Annual Meeting
February 9 – Scout Sunday, 10:30 am worship service
February 15 – Absalom Jones Day Celebration
(information coming soon)
Come to St. Bart’s on Sunday, January 26, at 4pm for a very special afternoon. From the legendary family whose story inspired “The Sound of Music,” acclaimed vocalist Elisabeth von Trapp will provide a concert filled with stories and song.
This concert is free and open to the public, with a suggested donation of $15-20. A portion of the proceeds will go to benefit St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church 70th Anniversary.
Checkout our YouTube channel
St. Bartholomew’s Church is a parish in the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta.
Welcome to St. Bartholomew’s. We hope that as you look over the site you’ll begin to get a feel for who we are and what we’re about—which is summed up in our mission statement below.
To be a nurturing, inclusive community centered in Jesus Christ, called to grow in our faith through worship, ministry, education, and service.
What does this mean? It means we are a kind, faithful and welcoming community. We invite you to join us. Click here for the weekly schedule. If you have any questions please call the office and leave a voicemail at 404-634-3336 or email our parish administrator at admin@stbartsatlanta.org.
2023 Annual Report
St. Bartholomew’s is a community who prays. We pray together. We pray alone. We pray for one another through the ministry of the Prayer Chain, and through our parish prayer list which can be found on the weekly announcement sheet. Submit your prayer requests by calling the clergy or the church office, or by emailing your name and details to admin@stbartsatlanta.org. If you have a pastoral emergency, please call the church office at 404-634-3336 and press 5 to be connected to the clergy on call number.
Our Mission
To be a nurturing, inclusive community centered in Jesus Christ, called to grow in our faith through worship, ministry, education, and service.
Meet Our Leadership
Our clergy and staff come from different backgrounds and bring unique gifts to our Parish. Become acquainted with them as they share a bit about their journey.
Get In Touch
Our Parish Life is abundant with fellowship, laughter and genuine care of one another. We have plenty of groups and classes for adults, youth and children of all ages!
St. Bartholomew’s has a rich history in outreach and social justice.
Together we are a parish called to act. A parish called to pray, reflect, discuss, and grow. We are called to worship in joyful togetherness. Called to love our neighbors. Called to give to those in need.
The Outreach and Social Justice ministries at St. Bartholomew’s provide opportunities for each of us to love and act like Jesus by doing more for those in need, whether big or small, and to manifest our love beyond the walls of our church.
Our ministries serve our local neighbors through programs like Toco Hills Community Alliance. We also reach out to our brothers and sisters around the world through efforts like our Haiti ministry and our work for Episcopal Relief & Development.
Please join us in choosing to be a parish of action. A parish united in service. A parish walking with Jesus to help the poor, stand up for the oppressed, and speak for the voiceless.
Ways to Get Involved